TEAM In Action


Foundational Teachings Transposed into Unit and Lesson Plans

The Making of Devil Unit Plan: Sacred Science - Metallurgy, Organic Chemistry, Biology and more...

Who is the Original Man? In the Beginning... Unit Plan:  Mathematical Theology- Orders of Magnitude, Expanded Notation,  Exponents, Scale

Thematic and Integrated Subjects

Sister Ga'Brielle Muhammad 

Subject Matter and Content Consultant

Theological Studies, Sacred Science, True and Proper History

Unit and Lesson Plan Development

The Dominant and Recessive Traits 

Unit and Lesson Plan Development

Law of Birth Control

Unit and Lesson Plan Development

Biology and Genetics

Unit and Lesson Plan Development


Unit and Lesson Plan Development

Glandular System and Melanin

Unit and Lesson Plan Development

Types of Albinism 

Unit and Lesson Plan Development

Genetic Mutation

Unit and Lesson Plan Development

Supreme Wisdom Lessons

Unit and Lesson Plan Development

Office of Student Enrollment

Sister Gail Muhammad

We have all enrolled into The Muhammad University of Islam.

Curriculum & Assessment Consultant 

Teacher Training and Curriculum Development

Supreme Wisdom Curriculum Teacher Methods Training

The Supreme Wisdom Lessons

The Basis for the Supreme Wisdom Curriculum Model